

The showcase that follows is pretty impressive. It goes on to say that you can use your favorite tools:Īnd finally, upload your work to several different platforms: Although intimidating to creators, the blank canvas represents unlimited opportunity and creativity, and LibGDX gives off that vibe.Īccording to the trailer on their site, you can write your code in: It reminds me of a lot of the famous MIT license that other free game engines such as Godot use.Ī thing I kept coming back to in my mind was that LibGDX is the equivalent to a blank canvas. That means no royalties owed to whatever project you work on. LibGDX uses the great Apache 2 License, which-much like LibGDX itself-is open and free. He tweaked the existing software to make it more fluid to do so, and LibGDX, more or less, was born. The creator, Mario Zechner thought that the way that the process and development of Android games were too much of a hassle for rapid development. Like most inventions, it was born out of the idea of making something easier to use. Released in April 2014, and with its most recent stable release in November 2018, LibGDX was developed to help creators make games primarily for web browsers and mobile platforms. While that is fine, is LibGDX worth your time? Is it easy to use? What are the pros and cons? Look no further, game developers, because I have the answers you seek.


With LibGDX, the name of the game is free, easy, and creative gaming projects. When I explore the newest or best engines, I love to come across one that promises and highlights these aspects, and LibGDX is no stranger to them. Aside from a few rotten apples like toxic gaming communities, baby boomers sharing pictures of Minions, and spam accounts trying to follow you on Twitter, I believe that the Internet truly is an amazing platform to exchange, build, and share. A thing that sticks out to me when perusing the big bad Internet is the potential for creativity.
